July 2004 Newsletter

The day at Badgers Hill was a great success and it has been decided to have a repeat performance so space has been reserved for the August bank holiday Sunday and Monday (29th & 30th) Also we have booked a site again at the Goose fair on September 12th.

A couple of changes have been decided on at the last committee meeting After our last meeting Bill had a nasty turn that kept him laid up for several days and made him realise that he must slow down or pay the consequences. To help him do this the committee members will split the membership list and each of us will phone those on our hit list. Bill wants to do a few but not all 74 of you. We promise to be nice to you (so long as you promise to help us get bums on seats!!) We are also going back to having a newsletter every month so that you get an up to date reminder a week before the meeting
Finally we will include in the Constitution, a clause that states that members must be over eighteen years of age. This is a condition required by our insurers and applies from now.

OK What happened over the last two months. In May we had Les Thorne with us for the day and he started off turning some fruit. A lemon he made using Pao Amarillo and for an apple he used a piece of yew. (At this point "Bruv" chipped in that he made apples Crap apples!!) To turn the end he used a vacuum chuck to hold the piece which looked very efficient (and very expensive) He followed this up with a table lamp made from beech with a sapele base that he would ebonise later. In the afternoon he made a bowl using a piece of wet beech and turned it thin using a light to gauge the thickness. His party piece though was to show us how he can make the shavings fly. Finally he turned a beautiful bowl from a piece of Australian Jarra Burr. This is where you should shoot the secretary because he forgot to note what he used to finish it with.

For the June meeting John Keefe spent the day with us and spent a fair bit of the morning telling us about his work as a turner and how he makes most of his tools with pretty substantial handles made from stainless steel tube rescued from the skip after the dairy he worked for closed down and chucked a load of it away The rest of his time with us he spent making a matching pair (yes, matching.!) of candle sticks out of Iroko.

Our next meeting is on July 10th And Peter Fuller will entertain us in the morning with a talk and demo on making kitchen tools. The afternoon will be a free for all with a tool boot sale and a hands on session on pyrography (A good way of decorating cock-ups and tool marks that won't sand out and making a feature of them!!). That's it for this one..
